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Head Office and Showroom

Shop / Showroom opening hours:

Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 18:30

Saturday and Sunday: rest day

tel. 00 359 52 / 575 029 or mobile 00 359 885 111 503 - Showroom

Nr. 3, Atanas Moskov blvd. (Aqua Center)
052/ 575 057

Head office and showroom

SOFIA - office and showroom

Opening hours:

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 18:00

Saturday and Sunday: Days off

Tel. 0884 / 24 21 12

Regional Manager - 0885 / 412 506

Sofiiski okolovrasten pat 179
02/ 95 81 859

Sofia - office and showroom

PLOVDIV - office and showroom

Opening hours:

Monday - Friday - 08:30 - 17:30

Saturday and Sunday: Days off

tel. 00 359 887 / 216 362

phone regional manager - 00 359 887 / 647 534

Nr. 89, Konstantin Velichkov str.
032 / 623 053

Plovdiv - office and showroom

BOURGASS - office and showroom

Opening hours:

Monday - Friday - 08:00 - 17:30

Saturday and Sunday: Days off

phone regional manager - 00 359 887 / 085 741

complex Lazur, hotel "AQUA"
056 / 83 22 33

Bourgass - office and showroom

BUCHAREST - office

Opening hours:

Monday - Friday - 09:00 - 17:00

Saturday and Sunday: Days off

Sauce. Odai, Nos. 109-123, Cladirea 2, Etaj 1, Camera 4, sector 1, Bucharest
0040 21 444 31 71

Bucharest - office